Saturday, December 27, 2008

She Doesn't Look Like a Monster

But Ruby knows she really is! Look how sweet Harley looks. At any moment she'll jump down, run through the house and eat inappropriate things. Then for good measure she'll actually try to play with Ruby. The audacity of hope!!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

New Camera!

So I got a new camera for Christmas (thanks Mom and Dad!). These pics of Ruby and Vivi are some of my first batch. There are more that I am going to post on my website because I've taken quite a few over the last couple of days.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ruby Continues to Get Cuter

I know, it didn't seem possible. But she does!

Merry Christmas from Satine

Even though I'm not in the Christmas spirit, apparently Satine is. So here's her holiday card!

Friday, December 12, 2008

My Year of...

My good friend Sarah, who is wonderful in every way, had me cracking up yesterday because she decided on a theme for herself for next year- The Year of Making. She has pledged to make a new crafty item each week and a new food item also. I admire this, I truly do. But I find it hilarious that first of all she would bleeping make a theme for her life and second of all that she tried to rope me into it with her. She tried to convince me that I would have The Year of Baking, which I certainly don't need, nor do I have any desire to bake every week of next year. But I did think of my own theme to go along with her- The Year of Faking. And I've already got several items lined up for my agenda. I plan to fake:
-liking people
-being smarter than I am
-being interested in the things people tell me
-being good at crafts
-learning a foreign language

I mean, look, it's not even 2009 and I have 5 weeks planned out already. I think it's going to be a good year. If anyone has any suggestions for things I should fake next year please let me know. Now remember, I only have 52 weeks, so it can't be lots of things. This will take some work.
The cat in the picture is Sarah's cat, Loki. He is awesome and I don't have to fake liking him at all! I will keep you all updated next year on how both Sarah and I do with our special themes.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Canadian Hut

I have been formulating a plan for awhile now to move to a hut in Canada for a variety of reasons, chief among them most of the human population drives me nuts. I wanted it to be in a remote location and I planned to take Ruby, Satine, Vivi, Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra. Ruby likes the cold weather, so I thought Canada would be a good place. I had even planned to plant a garden in the summer. And I don't even like to plant stuff. A bad thing happened on Sunday night that caused me to change my mind. I watched the finale of The Amazing Race(way to go, Nick and Star!) and then I changed the channel because I didn't want to cry over the Hallmark Hall of Fame special that was coming on. I turned to MSNBC which has lots of true crime documentaries at that time. They had one on and it made me cry way more than any Hallmark cheese fest. It scared me away from Canada because, believe it or not, their justice system is way more bleeped up than ours and it's far slower. I recommend that everyone should watch this excellent, compelling, heartbreaking documentary: Dear Zachary. Make sure you're not already depressed or you will be completely devastated. So now I'm looking for a new location for my hut. Alaska is out because of the whole Sarah Palin thing. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What the bleep did he do wrong?

I have to admit I'm a news junkie- particularly when it comes to politics. When I can't sleep (which is often) I turn on MSNBC and just leave it on. Politically it hasn't been as exciting now that the election is over and the good guys won. I must say that the story of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has captured my attention. First of all, great name, nobody can pronounce it. Secondly, what is up with that hair? It looks like the Ken doll I had back in 1972. Lastly, this man talks like he is a character on Deadwood, and if you haven't seen that show let me tell you it's a bunch of foul-mouthed cowboy types who curse more than I do. I'm fairly certain the man is insane, but I kind of admire his moxie. In his world the sun is always shining on him. I'm pretty sure he doesn't understand why he shouldn't benefit from selecting someone to fill the Senate seat. I love that the newscasters have to say "bleep" all the time when they report this story. Peeps, American politics doesn't get any better! Enjoy the freak show!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The True Meaning of Christmas

Last night I attended the Christmas show at Barbie's preschool. There is nothing quite like a performance done by 2, 3 and 4-year-olds. There was lots of waving by the performers, some spontaneous dance moves and one kid just busted out in his own unexpected solo. The young lady in red on the far left took the whole thing very seriously and sang every word of every song, standing very properly. The show started with all of the kids together singing several songs. Then different groups came on stage to perform specific songs. This was the best because for some reason many of the children, rather than going to the front of the risers and walking up them like stairs, chose to climb over the back of the tallest riser. Yes, little girls in their fancy dresses and tights just climbed on up. My other favorite part was after the show. We had punch and cookies and each time I told a little performer that they had done a great job they beamed with a look that said, "I sure did!"

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Let It Snow!

I don't like cold weather or snow or winter in general. However, I have come to appreciate it more because the Rue loves it. She has been happily gallavanting through the snow the last two days! The picture at the top is of her gallavanting. You can tell because her back leg is off the ground. Today she met a puppy named Comet who is 1/2 German Shepherd, 1/2 Husky. He was beautiful. Ruby even liked him and romped around with him for awhile. Then she stole his ball and laid down in the snow to chew on it.


Welcome to my new blog. It's going to be blogalicious, I promise. Yes, j'adore my website: elizabrary but it is cumbersome to maintain, as well as difficult for my many followers to navigate to find the new stuff I put up. I'm still going to maintain that awesome site, but it will be easier for me to come on here and slap something up real quick and easier for you to see what is exciting and new with me and Ruby. We lead such exciting lives.

So here's the latest. I'm thinking about getting the Rue Dog certified as a therapy dog so we can visit nursing homes. How cool is that? And I'm totally dreading the holidays. I think it's great we get a few days off work here and there, but the rest of it- what a mess!!!! I can hardly take it, even with Barack Obama as our president elect. I wonder if I could get a job on his staff? I could be the presidential librarian or even the historian. I have experience as an historian because I was voted by my peers to serve as my high school senior class historian. So I'm sure I'm fully qualified to because that was a lot of work. I even had to fight with the rest of the senior class officers (all boys, I might add) to ensure that our class colors were dusty rose and gray rather than kelly green and pink. And I won that battle, so I could handle lots of presidential historical revisionist issues. Can you tell I attended high school in the '80s?

Another awesome thing about this blog- you can leave snide comments very easily. But remember, I'm not really one you should take on lightly- I told you about winning that whole class colors battle.
This picture shows what Ruby was doing while I was sitting here being a dumbass this whole time. She's very loyal. Or maybe she knows about the power I wield as emeritus class historian.