Friday, December 12, 2008

My Year of...

My good friend Sarah, who is wonderful in every way, had me cracking up yesterday because she decided on a theme for herself for next year- The Year of Making. She has pledged to make a new crafty item each week and a new food item also. I admire this, I truly do. But I find it hilarious that first of all she would bleeping make a theme for her life and second of all that she tried to rope me into it with her. She tried to convince me that I would have The Year of Baking, which I certainly don't need, nor do I have any desire to bake every week of next year. But I did think of my own theme to go along with her- The Year of Faking. And I've already got several items lined up for my agenda. I plan to fake:
-liking people
-being smarter than I am
-being interested in the things people tell me
-being good at crafts
-learning a foreign language

I mean, look, it's not even 2009 and I have 5 weeks planned out already. I think it's going to be a good year. If anyone has any suggestions for things I should fake next year please let me know. Now remember, I only have 52 weeks, so it can't be lots of things. This will take some work.
The cat in the picture is Sarah's cat, Loki. He is awesome and I don't have to fake liking him at all! I will keep you all updated next year on how both Sarah and I do with our special themes.


Sarah said...

Say Elizabeth, people who only fake being nice might not benefit from the Year of Making Stuff.
p.s. Loki is looking forward to seeing you again.

HoosierKitty said...

I think you should spread out the people and give each one a week. They deserve concentrated faking not some generic fake.

HoosierKitty said...

Might I suggest the year of complaining? Challenge yourself to find new things to complain about, exercise your creativity.